Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan have never seen eye to eye. They are to complete different men, but they love the same women. Tom may have he as his wife but Gatsby has her whole heart. Tom begins to notice this as the story progresses. He wants to prove that he is a better man then Gatsby but does not know how. Daisy will always choose Tom but she will love Gatsby much more for as long as she lives. 
Jay Gatsby is a man of little words. His past however is an amazing story. He was born James Gatz, a poor young kid who barely had enough money to attend college. He worked as a janitor to pay of his school dept. When he found a man named Dan Cody he saw a different world of money and parties, and from that moment on he realized he never wanted to go back to his old life. That is how Jay Gatsby came to be.

    Lindsey Fallon

    Junior at Fontbonne Hall Academy

    Great Gatsby CHapter 6

    January 2014